How to Be Consistently Creative

July 26, 2024 | 3 min read

Being creative on a consistent basis is one of the biggest challenges of living the life of an artist.

It's difficult to be fully present in your daily life — doing the laundry, brushing your teeth, cooking and cleaning — and also reach the most deeply creative places inside of you and create something from nothing.

After all, we can't schedule inspiration like a doctor's appointment. It's a little like trying to capture lightning in a bottle.

So how do you balance real life with the life of a creative writer? How do you continue creating when you don't feel all that creative?

Let's dig into it.

In this article, you'll learn:


Are We Living through a Creativity Crisis?

While it can be difficult to asses creativity, the techniques that we do have all say the same thing: creativity is suffering. In fact, there's been a steady decrease in creativity test scores since the 1990s.

There are several reasons thought to be driving the trend, but one thing is clear: It's more important than ever that we dig into how we can foster creativity in our own lives.

Don't Wait for Your Muse

Let's go ahead and debunk a major myth right now: Inspiration may strike like lightning, but that doesn't mean you should wait around for that lightning before sitting down to write.

In fact, we argue that creativity is not about waiting around for a divine spark. We think it's the exact opposite.

Busting out 500 words when your fingers are still pruned from doing the dishes? That's true creativity. It's easy to be creative when you get that revelation from on high. But the true artists are the ones who can finish their taxes and immediately start writing about dragons.

Discover the origins of the muse myth and what the likes of Faulkner and E.B. White have to say about it.


Live a Little

No, we're not being glib. There exists in the literary world a strange and pervasive myth that to be a true writer, you have to be a loner or a hermit.

Thanks, Wordsworth.

Well, guess what? Not only was Wordsworth not actually a hermit, locking yourself away from the world may actually be bad for your creativity. (Seriously. Learn all about it here.)

In other words: In order to write, you have to live a little!


Absorbing Art for Inspiration

Faulkner advocated for avid reading as a foundation for writing, comparing it to a carpenter learning from a master. Stephen King stressed that reading equips writers with the tools they need to become a writer.

And we're taking it a step further to suggest feeding your brain with all different kinds of art — from books and short stories, to visual media and music — and unique experiences, as well.

Check out Julia Cameron's concept for "artist dates" to begin a fantastic practice of enchanting and romancing your own brain. 


Writing Prompts

While writing prompts are often seen as tools for beginners, we're here to tell you they're valuable for writers of all levels — including seasoned professionals.

When you're trying to be creative consistently, sometimes you have to sit down and write when it's the last thing you want to do. Writing prompts offer an easy jumping off point to help overcome writer's block and good old plain procrastination.

The best part? When you're just using prompts to get going and not trying to create something polished, you'll find your creativity is unleashed like never before.

Learn how to utilize writing prompts to fuel your most difficult creative writing sessions.


Overcoming Perfectionism

First drafts are inherently imperfect. You'll hear us saying that again and again. (And not just us! Author Anne Lamott coined the famous term "shitty first draft.")

Why do we repeat this so often? Because our brains are hardwired to avoid failure and seek external validation, and the result is a creativity-limiting, progress-crushing approach to writing.

This quest for flawlessness is killing your creativity. Instead, writers must embrace a growth mindset, set realistic goals, and separate the drafting from the editing process.

Learn to kick perfectionism to the curb for good.

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January 20, 2025 3 min read

This article explores the facts and fiction around writer’s block, the psychology of why it happens, and the writing productivity strategies you can use to beat it for good.

Take an idea from your brain and put it on the page. It sounds simple enough, right? But all writers know, it’s not that straightforward.

Writer’s block is a “temporary or lasting failure to put words on paper.” It can last for a few minutes, days, weeks, or even months.

When you desperately want to write, experiencing a block can be frustrating and disheartening. Writer’s block affects everyone from beginners to famous, prolific, published authors, and everyone in between. If you’re feeling this way with your current writing project, you’re not alone. All is not lost. There is hope.

Whether you’re gearing up to tackle your novel, short story, poem, essay, or thesis, we’ve got you covered.

In this article, you'll learn:

Is Writer’s Block Real?

The debate has been raging since the first words of Sumerian were chiseled into the Kish tablet. OK, we don’t know that for sure. But whether writer’s block exists has always been a contentious topic.

From writers and academics to psychologists and armchair critics, everyone has an opinion.

Do you think it’s real? Is writer’s block a painful, unavoidable rite of passage for every writer? Or do you think it’s a handy excuse, used to steer away from the hard work of completing a substantial piece of writing?

Either way, understanding the expected and unexpected obstacles a writer faces will help you write faster, better, and more often.

Learn about the real forces working against you and decide which side of the debate you land on in our full-length article "Is Writer's Block Real?"

Why Writer’s Block Happens

Writer’s block is blamed for almost every stalled draft and abandoned idea. But we believe the real issue isn’t the block itself. What we need to talk about is what’s behind the block. Spoiler: it’s psychological.

Instead of blankly staring at an empty page or the few words you’ve managed to force out but can’t make sense of, think about what’s happening off the page.

Your mindset, habits, and emotions are only some of the factors that could be working against you.

Stress, self-doubt, perfectionism, a disorganized schedule — these are more than inconveniences. They’re stopping you from writing the book you know is inside you.

Instead of blankly staring at an empty page or the few words you’ve managed to force out but can’t make sense of, think about what’s happening off the page.

Identify your own specific obstacles to writing in: "Why Can't I Write Even When I Want To?"

How to Overcome Writer’s Block

Facing writer’s block may feel like coming toe-to-toe with Tolkien's Balrog of Morgoth. But every baddie has a fatal flaw and writer’s block is no different — it can be defeated.

Sure, it can feel hopeless sometimes. Especially when you started off strong, writing page after page and excitedly imagining the day you’d type "the end," only to come to a grinding halt.

But there are super effective tools you can add to your arsenal to fight this foe. There are proven strategies and productivity techniques you can add to your daily routine to slay this menace and return to your story victorious.

Learn strategies and get expert advice on how to beat your block in: "How to Overcome Writer’s Block: Expert Advice & Strategies for Breaking Through."

Writer’s block doesn’t spell the end of your journey with your latest draft. (This is just what it wants you to think.)

Like the latest plot twist wreaking havoc on the life of your weary protagonist, it’s just another hurdle to overcome.

January 20, 2025 3 min read

In a perfect world, there would be a quick fix for writer’s block. A potent elixir that could jumpstart your brain, magic up genius ideas, and make your fingers race across the keyboard like a lightning storm crackling through the sky.

Sadly, we don’t live in a perfect world. But there are proven strategies you can use to get back into your story. Let’s explore a few of them.

January 20, 2025 3 min read

Yes, writer’s block is real, and yes, researchers have figured out why it happens.