How To Freewrite

January 03, 2024 | 6 min read

You Love to Write … So Why Aren’t You Writing?

As a human in the modern world, it’s difficult to write. To muffle the outside world — and the world inside your phone, your computer, your head — and just write.

From social media to email and the internet, today’s technology is designed to grab our attention — and keep it. And if you do overcome those external distractions and sit down to write, you face sneaky internal obstacles, as well. The most insidious? The inner critic.

Humans are, by nature, constantly assessing situations, imagining outcomes, and making decisions — it’s part of survival. But it also means we automatically assess all of our actions, including our writing. That little voice is called our inner critic, and it not only hinders progress, it can also stop us from ever getting started.

In other words: Your inner critic is killing your word count and your creativity.

Enter: freewriting.


In this article:

  • What Is Freewriting?
  • The Science Behind Freewriting
  • Freewriting Tips
  • Learn to Freewrite
  • Additional Freewriting Resources

    What Is Freewriting?

    Steven Mintz, a professor of history at the University of Texas at Austin, posits that “writing is thinking.” Stephen King said that we should write with the door closed, so no one can see, and edit with the door open. Ernest Hemingway abbreviated that advice even further to suggest that we “write drunk and edit sober.”

    These are all creative ways of discussing freewriting, or the method of separating the drafting from the editing process. "Freewriting" is a term popularized in 1973 by English Professor Peter Elbow, though coined by a writer named Ken Macrorie. Elbow described freewriting as “writing something and putting it in a bottle in the sea.”

    In this type of writing process, the first stage (drafting) has one goal only: to get words on the page. This means turning off the critical portions of your brain and just letting the words spill onto the page, without getting hung up on fixing them right then and there. Revision comes later in this writing process, when drafting is complete.

    Why? Well, drafting and editing are two different activities requiring different things from your brain. The division of these tasks reduces anxiety from your inner critic during the drafting phase and frees up your creativity so that thoughts can flow organically. Many people haven’t written this way since childhood!

    What if you treated every writing session this way? Even if you have a project due to an editor or professor or boss. Even if you're worried it won't be good enough. Make that first draft for your eyes only and see what happens.

    There's a reason this method can be found in writing programs around the world. Learn why freewriting is taught to students in "Freewriting: A Teacher's Perspective" by writing instructor Bryan Young.


    The Science Behind Freewriting

    So what exactly does science and psychology have to say about freewriting? Many experts have written about the underlying mechanisms that make this method effective:

    • Perfectionism: Letting go of perfectionism isn’t as easy as it sounds, because what it really means is being vulnerable — simply being with yourself as you are and accepting your thoughts as they come. Psychologist Dr. Carol Dweck says the key is embracing a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset. It means accepting that the writer you are in this moment may not be the same writer you are at the end of this project. 
    • Productivity: We all know writers who have spent an hour or more honing a single sentence when they were meant to be finishing a scene. The draft-first method saves time because the goal is shifted from perfection to plain old words on the page. That's when you find flow, a concept first introduced by renowned psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. When you let ideas flow freely without judgment or inhibition, you'll find flow a lot easier and get the words out. Remember: You can’t edit a blank page.
    • Creativity: Ironically, not paying attention to perfection and final-draft quality as you write does inspire deeper creativity. When no thoughts are deemed “wrong” or “stupid,” your brain begins to engage in lateral thinking and side-steps convention to discover new ways of doing things (instead of approaching ideas in a step-by-step, logical fashion, aka deductive reasoning). Let freewriting serve as a discovery process to uncover hidden layers of your narrative.
    • Joy: If you’re anything like us, you likely haven’t written like this — unrestrained and anxiety-free — since you were a kid. Enjoy the process and rediscover the pure joy of writing.

    Learn more about the science behind freewriting.

    Freewriting Tips

    While Freewrite devices facilitate freewriting and writing flow by removing all distractions from your writing device, there are several key habits you can practice while writing to optimize your forward-drafting experience. 

    Practice these three core freewriting rules during your next writing session to see how this method can streamline your drafting process and increase your productivity.

    1. Resolve external distractions.

    We’ve done the hard work for you by creating Freewrite and eliminating all the pesky distractions of the internet and modern technology. Now, all you have to do is turn off the TV and put your phone in a different room. Block out your writing time on a calendar so that loved ones know when exactly you will be unavailable.

    2. Don't stop to Google.

    Research is important across many writing industries and genres. However, it has the potential to become one of the worst forms of procrastination. It's extra tricky because it convinces you that you're actually being productive. If it's eating into your writing time, however, it's not productive. So how do you prevent this?

    If you're a plotter, complete the majority of your research prior to drafting. Some Freewriters start with an outline, or plot points jotted on sticky notes. If you're a pantser, you can reserve research for later, once you know what you need to know.

    While drafting, if you reach a point requiring a fact-check or additional information, simply leave a prompt for yourself right there within the text and proceed with drafting.

    3. Tell your inner critic you're writing a messy first draft and turn off your inner spellcheck.

    We all have an inner voice that guides our actions. When you write (or create anything) that inner voice turns into a critic. This inner critic is the most common reason authors experience debilitating doubt or anxiety and never finish a draft. It is critical to your writing success that you silence that inner critic.

    This won't be easy, but it can be done, with practice. Start by avoiding the urge to critique or edit your work as you go. Instead, concentrate on getting your thoughts down without judgment. And resist backtracking to fix typos.

    Did that last sentence sound stupid? Who cares?! Anything goes in a messy first draft. You’ll refine and revise later! Trust your instincts and write without overanalyzing each sentence. Aim for a state of flow where your typing pace matches the natural rhythm of your thoughts.

    To become a true freewriting pro, check out our exhaustive list of rules that the most prolific Freewriters use to draft forward — and fast. Read "Freewrite's 14 Rules for Drafting Forward."


    Learn to Freewrite

    To help all writers unlock their creativity and find writing flow in this modern world of distraction, we’ve created the ultimate guide to freewriting — and we’re giving it away absolutely FREE.

    Download Set Your Story Free: The Writer's Guide to Freewrite.


    Additional Freewriting Resources

    Here are some of our favorite additional resources about forward momentum in drafting and how to cultivate this writing practice within your own creative process.

    Have technical questions about using Freewrite? Visit our support page for links to Quick Start Guides, our online Knowledge Base, and more.

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    So we decided to go on a mission to learn from some of Ireland's greatest writers.

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    "A writer is someone who has taught his mind to misbehave."

    Oscar Wilde cuts right to the heart of creativity here. What is creativity but the mind striking out of the grooves of regularity?


    "I love communicative problems. They always introduce just enough friction for me to feel drawn into a scene, when there’s some slippage between what somebody is trying to say, or feels capable of saying, and what the other person wants to hear or is capable of hearing."

    If you've read any of Sally Rooney's award-winning books, you'll recognize this device in her plots. Try the same in your work when things are feeling a little dry or slow.


    "I was working on the proof of one of my poems all the morning, and took out a comma. In the afternoon I put it back again."

    Nobody presents writing truths as concise and witty as Oscar Wilde. Who among us hasn't agonized over a comma for hours?

    Sounds like Oscar needed a Freewrite.


    "I don’t ever plot. And I do very little research, as little as possible. I prefer to use my imagination. Language is older and richer than we are and when you go in there and let go and listen, it’s possible to discover something way beyond and richer than your conscious self."

    Claire Keegan's a freewriter! In this interview, Claire explains that the main character in her award-winning book, Small Things Like These, completely changed over the course of rewrites and revisions.


    "The novel space is a pure space. I'm nobody once I go into that room. I'm not gay, I'm not bald, I'm not Irish. I'm not anybody. I'm nobody. I'm the guy telling the story, and the only person that matters is the person reading that story, the target. It's to get that person to feel what I'm trying to dramatize."

    Colm Tóibín perfectly sums up the disembodied experience of writing here. The writer disappears and the characters take center stage.


    "The important thing is not what we write but how we write, and in my opinion the modern writer must be an adventurer above all, willing to take every risk, and be prepared to founder in his effort if need be. In other words we must write dangerously."

    James Joyce was certainly an adventurer, and though his notion to a "modern writer" predates ours by about a century, we don't think all that much as changed. Writers still need to take risks!


    "I don’t say I was ‘proceeding down a thoroughfare.’ I say I ‘walked down the road.’ I don’t say I ‘passed a hallowed institute of learning.’ I say I ‘passed a school.’ You don’t wear all your jewellery at once. You’re much more believable if you talk in your own voice."

    Maeve Binchy's own voice is apparent in every book she wrote. Her characters speak like real people, and that makes them all the more endearing.


    "Out of the quarrel with others we make rhetoric; out of the quarrel with ourselves we make poetry."

    What a poetic way to encapsulate the experience of writing poetry. Yeats certainly knew a thing or two about using that internal quarrel to create beautiful, timeless work.


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    This article explores the facts and fiction around writer’s block, the psychology of why it happens, and the writing productivity strategies you can use to beat it for good.

    Take an idea from your brain and put it on the page. It sounds simple enough, right? But all writers know, it’s not that straightforward.

    Writer’s block is a “temporary or lasting failure to put words on paper.” It can last for a few minutes, days, weeks, or even months.

    When you desperately want to write, experiencing a block can be frustrating and disheartening. Writer’s block affects everyone from beginners to famous, prolific, published authors, and everyone in between. If you’re feeling this way with your current writing project, you’re not alone. All is not lost. There is hope.

    Whether you’re gearing up to tackle your novel, short story, poem, essay, or thesis, we’ve got you covered.

    In this article, you'll learn:

    Is Writer’s Block Real?

    The debate has been raging since the first words of Sumerian were chiseled into the Kish tablet. OK, we don’t know that for sure. But whether writer’s block exists has always been a contentious topic.

    From writers and academics to psychologists and armchair critics, everyone has an opinion.

    Do you think it’s real? Is writer’s block a painful, unavoidable rite of passage for every writer? Or do you think it’s a handy excuse, used to steer away from the hard work of completing a substantial piece of writing?

    Either way, understanding the expected and unexpected obstacles a writer faces will help you write faster, better, and more often.

    Learn about the real forces working against you and decide which side of the debate you land on in our full-length article "Is Writer's Block Real?"

    Why Writer’s Block Happens

    Writer’s block is blamed for almost every stalled draft and abandoned idea. But we believe the real issue isn’t the block itself. What we need to talk about is what’s behind the block. Spoiler: it’s psychological.

    Instead of blankly staring at an empty page or the few words you’ve managed to force out but can’t make sense of, think about what’s happening off the page.

    Your mindset, habits, and emotions are only some of the factors that could be working against you.

    Stress, self-doubt, perfectionism, a disorganized schedule — these are more than inconveniences. They’re stopping you from writing the book you know is inside you.

    Instead of blankly staring at an empty page or the few words you’ve managed to force out but can’t make sense of, think about what’s happening off the page.

    Identify your own specific obstacles to writing in: "Why Can't I Write Even When I Want To?"

    How to Overcome Writer’s Block

    Facing writer’s block may feel like coming toe-to-toe with Tolkien's Balrog of Morgoth. But every baddie has a fatal flaw and writer’s block is no different — it can be defeated.

    Sure, it can feel hopeless sometimes. Especially when you started off strong, writing page after page and excitedly imagining the day you’d type "the end," only to come to a grinding halt.

    But there are super effective tools you can add to your arsenal to fight this foe. There are proven strategies and productivity techniques you can add to your daily routine to slay this menace and return to your story victorious.

    Learn strategies and get expert advice on how to beat your block in: "How to Overcome Writer’s Block: Expert Advice & Strategies for Breaking Through."

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