Writers Block: 13 Strategies That Work

June 14, 2018 | 7 min read

We’ve all been there. The right words won’t come out, if any at all, and you don’t have a creative cell left in your brain - you’re ready to call it a day.

Of course, I’m talking about the dreaded writer’s block. Writer’s block can be stressful when you have writing tasks that need to get done.

Writer’s block is a myth

Gasp! It cannot be true. If writer’s block is a myth, then explain what I’m feeling right now?

When you attack it from the root cause, you realize writer’s block stems from four underlying causes. These four underlying causes were detailed by Jerry Jenkins, famed author of the Left Behind series. 

The Four Root Causes Of Writer's Block

Fear - Fear can be paralyzing. The thought that you’re not good enough and that your work won’t be accepted.

Procrastination - Nobody’s better at putting of deadlines than writers. Set your deadlines in stone and keep your daily workload manageable.

Perfectionism - Perfectionism can be a good trait during the editing process; however, it is not as valuable while writing.

Distractions - In today's day and age, it’s nearly impossible to avoid distractions.

So what can you do about writer’s block?

Now that you know the four root causes of writer’s block, you can take some actionable steps to eliminate it from your writing for good.

If you’re anything like me, you could probably relate to all four of the root causes. As you read along, you’ll find that more than a few of these actionable tips apply to you.


With that in mind - here are 14 of our favorite tips for curing writer's block.

1. Writing Prompts

If you aren’t familiar with writing prompts, they are simply guided writing assignments designed to stimulate your imagination and get the creative juices flowing.

Put simply, writing prompts get you writing. 

It may not be the topic you originally set out to write about, but it may help you find your muse.

If you’re stuck finding a topic to write about, or lost finding a fresh idea to attack the blank page, writing prompts may be a good habit to implement into your writing routine. 

The right prompt can open up new ideas. They can illuminate new ways of looking at things you aren’t able to see on your own. You can find writing prompts a variety of ways. Many are free online, you can buy a book of them, or come up with them yourself. Write them down to use at a later time. You can even have writing prompts sent to your inbox, with Writing Time Fridays! Join here to receive a great writing prompt emailed or texted to you on Friday at 12pm EST. This is a great way to carve out time for writing and get inspired. You can dedicate time for writing on Friday, like we do at Astrohaus, or you can wait and use the prompt over the weekend.

Related: Writing Habits to Jumpstart Your Creativity and Keep You Focused


2. Don’t Be a Perfectionist 

Does this sound like you?

You want everything to be perfect before you ever begin writing. Every pen stroke must be streaked with gold.

You try to formulate the perfect passage in your head, but you never do, so you revert to underlying cause #2, procrastination. 

Perfectionism will only hinder your good writing.

I’ve written a number of blog posts over the years. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, nobody ever sees my first drafts.

It sounds obvious, but nothing bad will come from writing words down. If you don’t like what you wrote, delete it.

Leave the self-criticism for editing.

3. Stop Writing

Sometimes, It’s just not the right time to write. Your ideas may need a few more moments to formulate in your mind. 

Surely, writing isn’t the only thing you ever do. You also need to eat, sleep, read, exercise, and interact with other people. 

Even if writing is at the top of your to-do-list. Doing anything else, would be more beneficial than beating yourself up while staring at a blank page. 

In a infamous New Yorker article, Ferris Jabr references overwhelming evidence that taking a walk can help you think through problems and be creative.

Source: Elements of Walking Helps Us Think

It’s ok to not always be writing, or thinking about your writing.

4. Change Your Writing Medium

Stuck in the mud?

Try using Google Docs or Evernote instead of Word. Put down the computer all together and try out your grandfather’s typewriter.

What’s been most beneficial to me is freewriting in a journal or a piece of scrap paper. Any idea that comes to mind goes down on the paper. Often times, it doesn’t make any sense.

5. Eliminate Distractions

This is one of the four core causes of writer’s block. In a world where we are faced with distractions left and right, we no longer get to sit in our log cabin in the woods and write in a quiet room.

You have to take extra steps to create a distraction free environment in your mind. 

5 Easy ways to eliminate distractions

- Turn off your cell phone
- Unplug from the internet
- Clean your desk
- Let everyone know to leave you alone
- Dim the light

I’ve been using Sprinter by Astrohaus to focus on my writing. I even used it while writing this article. 

6. Create A Schedule

Every morning, I do two things. I wash my face, then I sit down at my desk and open my daily planner.

I don’t check my phone, I don’t look at any emails, and I don’t talk to ANYONE. The second thing I do each morning is plan out my day.

To paraphrase Jim Rohn, “If you don’t build a plan for your life, someone else will.” 

I plan my day down to the second, then I execute. It’s easy to say you”ll just get around to it, but taking the extra steps to plan out exactly when and for how long you’ll be writing, you’re that much more likely to do it. 

Sometimes, you just have to put your head to the grindstone and write. If you’ve already done this before, then first address the root causes of writer’s block found above.

If a pilot called his boss and said, “I have flyers block.” He would be laughed off the phone and probably told to hang up his wings.

So, why do writers get to have writer’s block?

7. Find Some Inspiration

Jack London once said, “You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” 

Put bluntly, refusing to write until you feel inspired it futile - at best. As a professional writer, you can’t afford to wait several days to find your muse. The world isn’t waiting for you.

Related: 25 writing tips from authors

8. Keep A Journal

Journaling aids in fostering your creativity and helps develop ideas. Similar to freewriting or writing prompts, journaling literally opens a book of ideas. Turn your thoughts and feelings into words.

What do you journal about?

I like to journal about my goals and the things/people I’m thankful for each day. As a part of my morning routine, I write down my goals  and three people I’m thankful for.

It’s not uncommon for writer’s to keep journals with them at all times. Sometimes inspiration strikes at the most unlikely and inconvenient times. Bottle that muse, and save it for later.

“Always carry a notebook. And I mean always. The short-term memory only retains information for three minutes; unless it is committed to paper you can lose an idea forever.” - Will Self

9. Go Outside

I don’t just mean writing outside, but turning off your writing brain completely.. 

Nature offers an immediate boost to your mental and physical well-being. Sometimes, you have to slow down to speed up.

A few benefits of going outside are:

- Relieve stress
- Improve short-term memory
- Eliminate fatigue
- Improve focus
- Decrease blood pressure

Combined, all of these things can help get the creative juices flowing. Maybe while you’re outside, you’ll find your inspiration. 

10. Change Your Writing Space

If venturing outside isn’t enough, maybe you need to change your work setting. Rotating your workspaces can increase your productivity and open yourself up to new ideas. Try a coffee shop, a library, bookstore, a park, or just a different room.

Cultivate multiple spaces around you that foster your creativity and productivity .

11. Use Freewrite

Every element of the Freewrite is designed to help you find your flow state and stay there. It works perfectly indoors or out, online or offline. Double your hourly word count, meet deadlines on time, and write better content.

The Freewrite allows writers like you to create drafts without being distracted by notifications or the infinite possibilities on the internet. When it’s time to write, you can just write. If you're interested, you can head over to the Freewrite store to learn more.

12. Create A Routine

Ok, so you’ve burned through the previous eleven suggestions. You found one that worked, but it didn’t work the second time. What now? 

You have to create a routine.

As I mentioned in tip #6, I follow a strict morning schedule to get myself aligned with the tasks of the day. After journaling and planning my day, I spend 30 minutes on personal development. Today, I learned about copywriting from the legend Gary Bencivenga. I improved my craft and found some inspiration to apply to my writing.

Lastly, that brings us to the granddaddy of them all...

13. Start Writing

 You’ve exhausted every option on this list and have nothing left. Here’s the foolproof way to cure your writer’s block. 

It’s this simple.

Just start writing.

You already know this, but evidently, the things that are easy to do are also easy not to do. It starts with one word, then another. 


Personally, how did I cure my writer’s block? The root cause of my writer’s block was perfectionism. I expected myself to churn at a Pulitzer worthy 2,000 word article in less than an hour.

Only once I embraced my full inner creativity was I able to write to free myself from the never-ending stuckness of writer’s block.

My only hope is that after reading this tips, you are able to address your underlying cause of why you’re stuck so you can ditch writer’s block forever!

Carlton ClarkCarlton Clark loves to write about business, baseball, and popular culture. A writer, marketer, and entrepreneur. At the age of 14, he founded the media company ballplayerplus.com. Currently, Carlton helps businesses share their stories through social media and blogging. When he’s not writing or creating content, Carlton coaches youth baseball at his local high school and plays guitar. You can find him online on Instagram @itscarltonclark, and on Twitter @carlton_mukasa



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April 22, 2024 5 min read

By Benjamin Westland

We've all been there — staring at a blank document, not knowing where or how to start.

Ideas bounce around in my head all day long, but as soon as I sit down in front of my draft, they just won't come out because I can't decide on one of the many things in my head.

Embrace randomness as a creative partner and you'll find that, with the right approach and attitude, that uncertainty is an opportunity for exciting twists and fresh ideas in your writing.

I want to show you a tool that has helped me find a way out of these blocked situations and also improve as a writer. All you need are three six-sided dice and some paper. (Of course, if you’re on the move and don’t have any dice with you, any dice-rolling app on your phone will work.)

Writing with dice can help you make unexpected choices in your writing process that can take your creativity in new directions.

Remember, you don't have to write the perfect story in your first draft. It's about capturing ideas before they're gone. So let go of perfectionism and enjoy the creative process.

Meet The Oracle

This approach is based on the idea that we can ask an “oracle” our questions to steer our writing in interesting and inspiring directions. Just as our friends or partners sometimes offer to do when bribed with coffee and cake. In this instance, however, the oracle is the dice.

The dice take on the role of the oracle, answering our questions and relieving us of the burden of thinking too long about a decision.

“But what questions should I ask, and what do I gain from a generic yes/no answer?” you may ask.

The short answer is: it depends…

It depends on the context in which you ask the questions.

It could be anything from the genre, basic considerations about how you want to tell the story, the characters involved, or the tropes and ideas you want to incorporate. Maybe even the different storylines and how they develop.

All of this is the context in which we make narrative decisions. In this exercise, it’s what will inspire our questions.

When you want to know where the story might go based on what you already know, ask the oracle. Don’t overthink it. Instead, introduce chance and see what the oracle says. You never know when the story will take you in new directions.


How do I know what the oracle says…?

The general idea is quite simple: you formulate a question that can be answered yes or no, and roll the three six-sided dice. The oracle will answer with the results you see in the table below.

Add up the numbers on the dice and look up the oracle’s answer in the table.

In addition to clear yes/no answers, the Oracle can also give us more nuanced answers: a weakened form (10,11) and an intensified version (3-4, 17-18). 

Furthermore, if you have extra context from the story to add to the question, apply the modifiers in the below table to the sum of your dice.


Confusing? Let’s see how it works in writing a scene:

My Question: Is it raining when Isabel leaves the café? (It’s unlikely, it’s a hot day in the story.)

Result: The three dice show: 4, 4, 3 to equal 11. I subtract 1 for “unlikely.” My final answer is 10. (No, but…) 

This simple question alone created a better atmosphere in the scene — and it also gave me some ideas for a later scene in which the approaching summer storm influences the rest of the story.


Let's have a look at a longer example: how I use the oracle at the very start of drafting a story.

All I have prepared for this is the dice, my Freewrite, a stack of blank index cards, and a small hourglass.

I use the index cards for lists of things that are relevant to my ideas, sometimes prepared, sometimes made up as I write to let the dice make a decision. One of the lists I created before the first session was a collection of interesting genres that I liked for my next story.

I randomly drew three themes from that list: Victorian, Supernatural, and Soldier.

I already liked this combination, and the first ideas didn’t take long to come. I asked some oracle questions ("Is this set in Victorian times?”, “Is it a haunted house?”, etc.) to help me figure out the basic setting. What I learn is that we are not in Victorian times, but the story takes place in a Victorian villa that is said to be haunted. The villa has been converted into a hotel and has attracted many tourists since the bloody history of the house became known on the internet.

With a few more questions, I learn that the protagonists are guests at the hotel. One of the protagonists has been trying unsuccessfully for years to become famous as an influencer of supernatural phenomena — with little success. He has his best friend with him, who has just finished his studies and has been persuaded to go on a trip. He doesn't believe in ghosts.

That's enough information for me to work with for the setting. I take notes on an index card and ask the oracle where to start. Turns out the two friends have just arrived by train and are making their way through the old town to the villa.

I turn the hourglass and start to write.

The sand runs out as the two protagonists navigate through the hustle and bustle of the town and get lost in the maze of winding streets. The hourglass tells me it's time to interrupt my writing with a random event. I use a combination of oracle questions and spontaneous lists of possibilities that come to mind. Again, I let the dice decide which option to choose.

I find that my protagonists are approached by a merchant and lured into his shop. There, they discover an old object that seems to magically attract them. Cool! The scene has gained a bit more flavor thanks to this visit. I also wonder what the object has to do with anything. I turn the hourglass again and keep writing to find out.



The dance between predictability and spontaneity is fascinating, and I hope this has given you a small, helpful insight into the oracle approach.

My recommendation is to choose an existing project first and use the oracle at specific points in the writing process. The advantage to this is that you will already know more about the context, and it may be easier to make your first lists of ideas or to know when or how to ask the oracle questions.

If you prefer to start from scratch, take a writing prompt of your choice and brainstorm with the oracle to find a starting point for the first scene.

Happy writing!


Ben Westland is a freelance ghostwriter, editor, and author of interactive fiction, bringing a diverse background in computer science, product development, and organizational change. Ben holds a doctoral degree and has authored two scholarly works on knowledge management, as well as various interactive narratives that employ storytelling to enhance organizational training.

Ben is one of the editors of inspiration.garden, an inspirational creativity magazine, and has recently launched storyhaven.online to publish his serial fiction as he explores new narrative forms.

Having lived and researched in Spain and Japan, Ben now draws on his experience to create immersive stories and help others find their creative voice.

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