November is National Novel Writing Month, when writers all over the world will try to write one book, or 50,000 words, in 30 days.
Join the Freewrite Leaderboard to race your fellow Freewriters to the finish line!
One leaderboard participant will be chosen at random to win a $500 Freewrite gift card; write at least 1,000 words in November to be considered.
The Freewrite NaNoWriMo Leaderboard is automatic. You don't need to input your word count each day, you simply need to opt in by clicking here and hitting the red “JOIN” button.
After you opt in, all work written on your Freewrite devices or in Sprinter and synced to Postbox during November will automatically update your word count and your place on the leaderboard.
Note: To opt in, you must have a Public Postbox Profile. Learn how to set that up here.
At the end of the month, we'll pick one lucky leaderboard participant at random to go on a $500 Freewrite shopping spree.
Simply write in our free in-browser drafting app, Sprinter, this November.
The first time you use Sprinter, hit “save” and you’ll be prompted to create a Postbox account. Make sure to create a Public Profile in your brand-new Postbox account, and then join the leaderboard with the directions above.
Once you're in, all words you write in Sprinter and sync to Postbox in November will add to your word count and push you up the leaderboard.
Questions? Email us at

Remember: Official NaNoWriMo participants are eligible for an exclusive Freewrite deal. Learn more at