How I 3x'd My Writing Productivity

With One Simple Switch

In just two weeks, I wrote more than I did in the last year. And I’ve never had more fun while doing it.

Facebook's logo with a white 'f' on a blue background.Twitter logo on a blue background.LinkedIn logo on a blue background.
Man smiling while using a laptop at an outdoor café table.

As Seen In

With over 30,000+ writers already having made the switch, this is an amazing way to unlock your writing potential...


The Never-Ending Struggle?

Overwhelmed laptop screen with multiple overlapping notifications and warning signs.

As a writer who wants to be productive every day, I thought I had tried everything. Countless apps and techniques promised to increase my focus and streamline my workflow. But at the end of each day, I still felt like I hadn't accomplished enough.

The problem was that no matter what software I used, I'd feel constantly tempted to open something random on my laptop. While some of those productivity apps helped a bit – the temptation was always there, weighing heavy on my mental energy.

I was wasting so much time resisting digital temptations that I had little willpower left to actually write. My productivity was shot. I knew there had to be a better way…

Table of Content

Why You NEED To Eliminate Distractions (Especially as a Writer)

Discovering the Freewrite Smart Typewriter

My First Day with Freewrite

Make the Switch to Distraction-Free Writing

Freewrite vs Computers

Don't Just Take My Word For It

Which Freewrite Is Right For You?

Bottom Line: Was Freewrite Worth It?

Where Can You Get Your Own Freewrite?

Focus Struggle

Why You NEED To Eliminate Distractions (Especially as a Writer)

I decided to do some serious research on why I couldn't focus.

Going through scientific studies, I learned it takes about 25 minutes to fully regain focus after even a minor interruption.

This means small distractions were robbing me of huge chunks of time – not only the seconds spent on the distraction itself, but almost half an hour wasted re-entering a focused mindset.

Just a couple quick checks of social media could derail an entire morning's work! No wonder I wasn’t getting anything done.

This means small distractions were robbing me of huge chunks of time – not only the seconds spent on the distraction itself, but almost half an hour wasted re-entering a focused mindset.

While researching solutions, I stumbled upon a viral story about a  distraction-free drafting device called Freewrite. It had raised over $300k on Kickstarter from writers desperate for focus. I had to learn more...

Smart Writing Tool

Discovering the Freewrite Smart Typewriter

The more I learned about Freewrite, the more intrigued I became.

It looked modern yet familiar – like an old school typewriter from the future. With no open internet access and a clean writing interface, it was designed purely for distraction-free drafting.

Reading reviews, I realized this device was helping thousands of people enter a state of flow.

Many prolific authors endorse a "draft first, edit later" workflow. Focus only on getting words down during the drafting phase, then polish and refine during editing. This prevents constantly interrupting your flow to perfect each sentence.

Freewrite enforces this approach with its e-ink screen andintentional removal of most editing tools. Itstrips away all distractions, letting you enter a zone where the words just flow.

Could this smart writing toolreally help unlock my creativity? After hovering over the buy button for weeks, I finally decided to give it a shot.

Freewrite Routine

My First Day with Freewrite

After excitedly unboxing myFreewrite, I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to set up. I just turned it on and started typing.

The soothing mechanical click-clack of the keys really did transport me back to my childhood days typing away on my dad’s typewriter. My fingers flowed fast and free, no longer constrained by fussy spellcheck and auto-correct algorithms.

That first day I wrote for over 3 hours nonstop. I was shocked to see I had written over 6,000 words!

"It was the most focused I've felt in years," I thought. "This thing is incredible!"

Over the next two weeks, I averaged 5,000+ words per day.

With Freewrite, my creativity was unleashed. I no longer agonized over every word choice or got distracted tweaking sentence structure. I simply let the words pour out onto the page.

How It Transformed My Writing Routine

Now, my daily routine starts with drafting on Freewrite first thing in the morning. It automatically syncs files to the cloud, so I can open them up in my editing software later. Here's what it looks like:

I begin my Freewrite session in the morning, allowing thoughts and ideas to flow freely onto the screen without worrying about editing.

After hitting my word count goal, I take a break for lunch and exercise to recharge.

In the afternoon, I switch to my computer and begin the editing process. This is where I refine what I wrote in the morning.

This “draft first, edit later” routine with Freewrite has been game-changing. I finally have the time and space to both write prolifically AND edit carefully.

Freewrite Benefits

Make the Switch to Distraction-Free Writing

Electronic word processor with a small display and QWERTY keyboard.Laptop displaying monochrome portraits of three iconic figures with the caption 'Get smarter every time'.Vintage-style keyboard with a small display featuring a stylized tree.

Laser focus: enter flow state quickly

Ergonomic design: comfortable for long sessions

Portability:write anywhere with long battery

Automatic backups: safely stores your work

Auto syncing: seamlessly transfer drafts

Prolific output: write more in less time

Click Here to 3x Your Writing Productivity


You’re Covered

Every Freewrite device comes with a long 365-day warranty and a 30-day return policy, so you can feel confident with your purchase.


Freewrite vs Computers

Electronic device resembling a typewriter with a digital screen and QWERTY keyboard.


Electronic device resembling a typewriter with a digital screen and QWERTY keyboard.

Multi-functional: work, entertainment, and communications

Electronic device resembling a typewriter with a digital screen and QWERTY keyboard.

Many distractions: social media,

email, notifications

Electronic device resembling a typewriter with a digital screen and QWERTY keyboard.

Open internet access creates temptation

Electronic device resembling a typewriter with a digital screen and QWERTY keyboard.

Backlit and reflective screens strain the eyes

Electronic device resembling a typewriter with a digital screen and QWERTY keyboard.

Page with red underlines and

grammatical suggestions

Electronic device resembling a typewriter with a digital screen and QWERTY keyboard.


Electronic device resembling a typewriter with a digital screen and QWERTY keyboard.

Single-function: writing focus

Electronic device resembling a typewriter with a digital screen and QWERTY keyboard.

Distraction-free: serene writing oasis

Electronic device resembling a typewriter with a digital screen and QWERTY keyboard.

No open internet access or apps. Just 3rd party document syncing

Electronic device resembling a typewriter with a digital screen and QWERTY keyboard.

E Ink sunlight readable or right-sized LCD

Electronic device resembling a typewriter with a digital screen and QWERTY keyboard.

Soul of a typewriter, focus in “the zone”


Don't Just Take My Word For It

Over 600 million words  have been written on Freewrites so far.

More than 30,000 writers report game-changing improvements in their focus, flow, and daily productivity when drafting on these devices.

Here's what others had to say after making the switch:

Finally Writing!

Oh my goodness! I love my Freewrite! I have had an ambition to write for year, but could never just sit down and do it. I am far to distractable. I have already written several stories in my two weeks with my Freewrite. My only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner!

- Heather W.

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Verified Customer

Makes writing addictive

The Freewrite offers no distractions. Nothing moves, nothing blinks, nothing shines. It's just keys and it allows your mind to focus on the writing. Love it. That book might just be happening :-)

- Jos V.

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Verified Customer

Love At First Write !

My brand new Freewrite Traveler arrived on Wednesday, and I couldn't be happier!! It was easy to set up and get to know. The E Ink screen is so easy on the eyes. The status screen is also easy to use and I love seeing my word count instantly as I type. And speaking of typing, the keys are a joy to use. It was "Love at first write “

- Adrienne A.

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Verified Customer

Product range

Which Freewrite Is Right For You?

There are 3 main Freewrite models you can choose. The original Freewrite model is the Smart Typewriter, perfect for home usewith its full-size tiered keyboard layout.

For travel andon-the-go writing, there's the portable Travelermodel.

And the newest Alpha model features anLCD screen, mechanical keyboard, and extra-long battery life.

I went with the Smart Typewriter since I'm mostly writing at home. But my friend spends a lot of time at coffee shops and she loves her Traveler!

Whichever model you choose, they all offer an amazing distraction-free experience and will almost certainly help turn you into a more prolific writer.


Bottom Line: Was Freewrite Worth It?

Absolutely! In just two weeks, I was able to write 3x more than usual and finish several projects that had been stuck for months.

No tablet or laptop app comes close to the Freewrite experience. It's given me my creative joy back and been life changing in terms of achieving my writing goals.

I can confidently say there's nothing else out there like this device for writers.

How Freewrite can help you unlock your writing potential:

Say goodbye to writer’s block

Average 3x more words per session

Regain the joy of undisturbed writing

Draft first, edit later – just like the pros do

Tap into your passion and devote more time to your craft

Limited Time Offer


For a limited time, Freewrite is offering a 50% discount on a Felt Sleeve when you purchase any Freewrite device.

Simply use the code LP-SLEEVE24at checkout to activate your discount and protect your new Freewrite with a stylish, durable sleeve.

Given the popularity of this deal, stock is limited. Click below to check availability and claim your 50% off Felt Sleeve discount before this offer expires!

Where Can You Get Your Own Freewrite?

You can find Freewrite devices and accessories directly on the official website here. And they even have a  fun quiz you can take to see which device is best for you.

With over 30,000+ writers already using Freewrite to boost their productivity and focus, now is the perfect time to join the community and see the difference it can make for your writing.

Remember, every purchase is backed by Freewrite’s 365-day warranty and 30-day return policy, so you can feel confident with your purchase.

Person holding a gray felt laptop sleeve against an orange and blue brick wall.

Limited Time Offer


with the purchase of any Freewrite device.

Use code: LP-SLEEVE24

This limited stock deal is in high demand and devices keep selling out.

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