Is AI Going to Change the Way We Speak?

Emily Pogue
August 02, 2024 | 6 min read

How often do you use the word “tapestry” in your everyday speech? How about “delve”? Does “testament” regularly show up in your text chains?

Many of us would probably say no, and for good reason. These words didn’t secure a spot on the “500 Most Popular English Words” list. Realistically, they likely didn’t make the Top 1,000 either.

Yet, these terms have recently seen a massive increase within written content. For example, Jeremy Nguyen, PhD, conducted a study in March 2024 where he found that .5% of all articles on the research site PubMed contained the word “delve.” Compare this to 2022, when that figure was less than .1%.

Graph by Jeremy Nguyen, PhD

So what changed in this 15-month span? Why the sudden spike in scholars using the term?

ChatGPT came out in November 2022. And we’re now discovering that ChatGPT favors certain words, including (you guessed it) delve, tapestry, and testament.

This has been a warning siren for language enthusiasts across the globe.

How is it that ChatGPT has chosen these seemingly random words as its favorites? And more importantly, with its rapid ascension, will artificial intelligence (AI) have the power to shape our vernacular in the near future?

It seems the answer is (ironically enough) very human.

AI in Our Everyday Lives

While AI seems to many like a new technology that appeared overnight, it’s been around in subtle ways for years.

The facial recognition that opens your phone? That’s a form of AI.

Netflix recommending you watch Peaky Blinders after finishing Breaking Bad? Another type of AI.

That chatbot that asks for your symptoms before sending a message to your doctor? An example of AI.

However, these weren’t examples of the stereotypical AI many of us imagine now. Those were small systems that helped us finetune an already-working piece of technology (our phone, streaming application, health portal).

It wasn’t until recently that we were presented with a new kind of artificial intelligence that could seemingly think for itself, in the form of generative AI, like OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

But these technologies don’t actually think for themselves. Instead, they analyze an extraordinary amount of information — the equivalent of millions of books — and use that data to spit out answers to our queries.

Yet, the AI doesn’t actually understand what it’s telling us. Kem-Laurin Lubin, Ph.D-C, created a helpful metaphor to explain this concept:

“Imagine you’re abducted by aliens and brought to a planet resembling Earth. You’re assigned the role of a chef for a vital event, using unfamiliar ingredients from an alien garden, plus what appear to be spices from their kitchen. Suppose you’ve never cooked before and now face a dire consequence for any mistake. Consider AI as a chef using data as ingredients.”

The folks over at OpenAI weren’t naive enough to send their untrained chef blindly out into the world. Instead, they use humans to coach their cook-in-training on what meals — AKA lines of copy — sound the most appetizing.

The People Behind AI’s Lexicon

The process of rating the responses that AI has concocted is called Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF). And here is our first clue to why ChatGPT leans on certain terms so heavily.

It’s not cheap to employ an army of testers to rate potentially endless responses from AI. So (as they tend to do) corporations outsource these jobs to lower income countries. In these places, English is often a second language.

It’s typical for non-native speakers to have a more formal way of talking, as slang isn’t typically taught in language courses. (Hence why your high-school Spanish sounds a little off in Spain.)

Certain areas also gravitate toward certain terms. It’s why the same room is called a “washroom” in Canada, “bathroom” in the U.S., and “loo” in Britain.

All these factors weave together as non-native English speakers speak the language more frequently, leading each nation to develop their own version of the “Top 500 Most Popular English Words” list.

All these factors weave together as non-native English speakers speak the language more frequently, leading each nation to develop their own version of the “Top 500 Most Popular English Words” list.

When we start dissecting the English preferences of countries who are typically targeted for cheap labor, we’re led to Nigeria. In Nigerian-English, “delve” is a fairly common word to use in professional language.

Therefore, when Nigerian testers are telling ChatGPT what responses sound genuine to them, they’re favoring the responses with words they typically use — like delve.

And voilà: the mystery of these words’ rise in prominence has a logical answer. And that begs the question:

As we use AI more, and consume AI-written content more frequently, will these AI-favored words will slowly become more pervasive in native English speakers’ lexicons, too?

Ultimately, this brings into question the evolution of language itself.

The Natural Progression of Language: AI or Not

In one way, AI has already affected our vernacular. In the last few years, we’ve added terms like large language model (LLM), generative AI (GenAI), and GPT (the full name being Generative Pre-training Transformer) to our dictionaries.

But this isn’t unique to AI. Each technological boom has brought a wave of new words, along with the death of others. We no longer say we need to “tape” something (in reference to recording a show) because:

A) few people record shows in the age of streaming services

B) no one uses VHS tapes anymore

At the same time, other terms tend to stick around. We no longer have to physically put our phone back on the hook to end a call, yet most of us still say we’re going to “hang up.”

Our lexicon is also affected by current events. “Social distancing” became commonplace to use during the COVID-19 pandemic, despite none of us ever using the term prior to 2020.

Pop culture and social media are also huge players in our lingo. “Rizz” entered our vocab in 2023 after YouTuber and Twitch user Kai Cenat first coined the term. If you’re not hip with the kids, “rizz” refers to one’s charisma or “swagger” level. (Yes, I felt old writing that.)

The point is, we’re constantly adopting new phrases and updating our jargon. And how often we use particular words or phrases is influenced by the people we talk to on a daily basis and also the content that we consume.

As more and more of the media we consume comes from generative AI, could this influence the changing of our lexicon more rapidly than ever before?

It's possible. Even likely.

But a change in language isn’t necessarily a bad thing. That’s just what languages do.

But a change in language isn’t necessarily a bad thing. That’s just what languages do.

However, there is one potential linguistic consequence of AI that hasn’t been addressed yet. For this, we’re going to have to broaden our scope.

AI’s Potential Impact on Smaller Languages

Up until now, we’ve been focusing on AI and the English language. This is because English content dominates the internet, which is the raw data that AI pulls from — meaning ChatGPT works most effectively in English.

But less than 5% of the world speaks English as their first language. As the world becomes more reliant on AI — and that AI favors English — what does that mean for smaller languages?

Icelandic linguist Dr. Linda Heimisdóttir points out that with the rise of AI, there is a real risk of digital death for smaller languages like her own, which only has a few hundred thousand speakers.

One of the reasons comes down to ease of use. Apple’s Siri doesn’t understand Icelandic, so it’s easier to say a command in English. If you try to run a Google search in Icelandic, you get few results. Autocomplete and spell checkers aren’t nearly as intuitive with Heimisdóttir’s native tongue as they are with English.

If you were an Icelandic teenager and wanted to make the most of AI, would you find yourself leaning more into English than your native tongue? This is how the extinction of a language begins.

If you were an Icelandic teenager and wanted to make the most of AI, would you find yourself leaning more into English than your native tongue? This is how the extinction of a language begins.

However, we don’t need to start planning any phonetic funerals quite yet. Heimisdóttir is optimistic that if AI developers realize this could be a consequence of their technology, they can proactively work with ambassadors from small languages to integrate their languages early on. Heimisdóttir has proven this is a possibility in her work partnering with OpenAI.

If they succeed in doing this, Heimisdóttir believes, “The future of linguistic diversity is bright.”

Balancing AI and a Human-Built Vocabulary

If you’re dead set on keeping these AI-preferred words from entering your lexicon, fear not. You can educate yourself on ChatGPT’s common phrases to steel yourself against these terms seeping into your jargon.

You can also use this knowledge to more easily spot AI-written content that comes across your screen.

Yet, this writer thinks a cautious awareness is enough to keep my mind at ease. Because really, languages are always changing, and a little Nigerian-English influence doesn’t sound half bad to me.

Read Freewrite Founder Adam Leeb's statement on AI here.

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Right now, the choice for a writer to use artificial intelligence (AI) or not has been largely a personal one. Some view it as a killer of creativity, while others see it as an endless well of inspiration.

But what if, in the future, your choice had larger implications on the state of literature as a whole?

This is the question that’s being raised from a new study by the University of Exeter Business School: If you could use AI to improve your own writing, at the expense of the overall literary experience, would you?

Let’s explore some context before you answer.

The Set Up

The 2024 study recruited 293 writers to write an eight-sentence “micro” story. The participants were split into three groups:

  • Writing by human brainpower only
  • The opportunity to get one AI-generated idea to inspire their writing
  • The opportunity to get up to five AI-generated ideas to inspire their writing

Then, 600 evaluators judged how creative these short stories were. The results confirmed a widely accepted idea but also offered a few surprising findings.

Prompts from AI Can Jumpstart the Creative Process

Right off the bat, the reviewers rated the AI-guided stories as being more original, better written, and more enjoyable to read. (Interesting to note that they did not find them funnier than the fully human-inspired stories.)

This actually isn’t that surprising. Most writers know the “blank page dread” at the beginning of a project. Even as I write this, I can’t help but wonder, “If I had been tasked with writing an eight-sentence story, what the heck would I have written about?”

Many writers share this sense of needing to pick the “right” story to tell. And that uniquely human concept of perfectionism can end up actually inhibiting our creative process.

A prompt, then, can help us quickly clear this mental hurdle. To test this, I’ll give you one, courtesy of ChatGPT: “Write a story about a teenager who discovers a mysterious journal that reveals hidden secrets about their town, leading them on an unexpected adventure to uncover the truth.”

Can you feel your creative juices flowing already?

Since its release, AI has been celebrated for its ability to assist in idea generation; and this study confirms how effective using artificial intelligence in this way can be for writers — some, it seems, more than others.

AI-Generated Ideas Helped Less Creative Writers More

It doesn’t feel great to judge a writer’s creative prowess, but for this study, researchers needed to do just that. Prior to writing their short stories, the writers took a test to measure their creativity.

Researchers found that those considered less creative did substantially better when given AI-generated ideas — to the point where getting the full five ideas from AI “effectively equalizes the creativity scores across less and more creative writers.”

This isn’t the case just for writing. Another study by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship WZ also found that AI tools most benefit employees with weaker skills.

So is AI leveling the playing field between okay and great writers? It seems it may be. But before we lament, there’s one more finding that proves using AI isn’t all perks.

AI-Aided Stories Were More Similar — And Needed to Be Credited

The researchers took a step back to look at all the AI-supported stories collectively. And what did they find?

The AI-assisted stories were more similar as a whole, compared to the fully human-written stories.

Additionally, when reviewers were told that a story was enhanced by an AI idea, they “imposed an ownership penalty of at least 25%,” even indicating that “the content creators, on which the models were based, should be compensated.”

This leads us to that all-important question about AI-assisted work: who owns the content?

According to Originality.AI, an AI and plagiarism detector, “When there’s a combination of AI and human-generated elements, the human elements may receive copyright protection if they meet the requirements.”

So right now, if a writer uses AI to generate ideas — but writes the content themselves — they retain rights to the work.

However, Originality.AI even admits that “the legal system is having a hard time keeping up” with the rapid adoption of artificial intelligence. Time will only tell what AI regulations will look like in a few years.

What Does an AI-Assisted Literary Future Look Like?

The researchers from the University of Exeter Business School study raise an interesting point about what the future landscape for writers may look like. If droves of authors begin using AI to come up with ideas, we may end up with a lot of well-written yet dime-a-dozen stories.

So will human beings choose the easier, but less diverse, path? Or will we stick to fighting through writer’s block armed with nothing but our own brain?

Or, a third option: can we somehow learn to harness AI to supercharge our writing process without sacrificing the wholly unique creativity that infuses human creation?

That’s one question that even ChatGPT can’t answer.

Editor's Note: Artificial intelligence may have already transformed writing, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be in control of your own words. Read Astrohaus Founder Adam Leeb's statement on AI and privacy.

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